Algonquin Location: 847-658-0099
Email: tigerkoosma@gmail.com
Schaumburg Location: 847-648-7948
Email: tigerkoosma02@gmail.com
Teens / Adults Program
Earning a Black Belt isn't just about what you learn ….Its about what you become.
The majority of our adult students started with no previous martial arts experience. They came to our school for a variety of reasons ranging from exercise and stress relief to learning self defense or gaining self confidence.
Tae Kwon Do makes an excellent workout, with each class including a thorough stretching routine, bursts of cardio intense drills, plus body weight and core focused strength exercises.
For over twenty five years we have helped thousands of men and woman to achieve their personal goals in an atmosphere that is welcoming and motivating.
2 Weeks Trial - Just $39
1536 E Algonquin Rd, Algonquin, IL 60102
Tel 847-658-0099
Business Hours
Monday 3pm - 7:30pm
Tuesday 3pm - 7:30pm
Wednesday 3pm - 7:30pm
Thursday 3pm - 7:30pm
Friday 3pm - 7:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Teens & Adults: Peace of Mind and Gain a Healthy Lifestyle:
Tiger Koo’s Martial Arts offers Teens & Adults a comprehensive fitness program with the added benefits of self-defense skills and overall self-improvements
Teen/Adult Students Love:
Increase strength and energy
Learn practical self-defense and awareness for greater personal security
Easy to lose weight
Improve flexibility
Releases stress and tension
Build self-confidence
Build inner strength and peace
Stay healthy and lead a happier life
Positive relationships with enthusiastic & motivated individuals